

Explore the Danio rerio genome


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Zebrafish karyotype selector

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About the Zebrafish genome

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Assembly: Zv7, Apr 2007
Genebuild: Ensembl, Jun 2007
Database version: 50.7d
Known protein-coding genes: 17,330
Projected protein-coding genes: 1,627
Novel protein-coding genes: 2,365
Pseudogenes: 98
RNA genes: 4,126
Genscan gene predictions: 45,287
Gene exons: 232,290
Gene transcripts: 31,841
SNPs: 19,159
Base Pairs: 1,527,000,581
Golden Path Length: 1,440,582,308
Most common InterPro domains: Top 40 Top 500

How the statistics are calculated


© 2024 Inserm. Hosted by genouest.org. This product includes software developed by Ensembl.

GermOnline based on Ensembl release 50 - Jul 2008