A Bioinformatics Resource Center for invertebrate vectors of human
pathogens, funded by NIAID. The Ensembl annotation of the A. gambiae
genome is a joint effort with VectorBase. The VectorBase web site
provides access to additional data about A. gambiae and other vectors.
AnoBase is an Anopheles genomic and biological database with a central focus on the most important malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae. AnoBase is the continuation of AnoDB, a database established and maintained since 1996 at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) of the Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) in Greece. The site also contains reference material, links to other anopheles resources, as well as current news and conference information.
CTDRT - University of Notre Dame (USA)
The Center for Tropical Disease Research and Training at the University of Notre Dame (USA) is a world renowned research group in parasitic vectors of human pathogens. Their vector biology and parasitology program houses the World Health Organization's Aedes Reference Center, one of the world's largest reference collections of Anopheles species and genetic strains, and an extensive computerized literature database containing over 30,000 references on mosquito.
The French Government Sequencing Centre, Genoscope were one of the major sequencing centers (along with Celera Genomics) involved in the initial sequencing of the Anopheles genome. This link explains the importance of the Anopheles genome and gives various information about the draft genomic sequence.
The Malaria Research and Reference Reagent Resource Center (MR4) was established to provide a central source of quality controlled malaria-related reagents and information to the international malaria research community. The site contains various Anopheles information as well as links to publications, workshops, news items and other Anopheles resources. It includes the information about Anopheles methods, mutations, chromosomes etc. previously available on the "AGRIP" website (compiled by Mark Q. Benedict).
The NCBI provides a range of scientific resources such as literature referencing, blast searches, etc. Their malaria page provides links to various resources, and they also have an alternative genome browser for the Anopheles gambiae genome.
EMBL - Kafatos Group
Fotis C. Kafatos, the Director-General of EMBL, was one of the founders of the international mosquito genome consortium.
The current research of the Kafatos group at EMBL is the interactions of the Plasmodum parasite and the mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Their aim is to trace the mosquito immune response to parasitic infection, and identify mechanisms that may be blocked to reduce parasitic transmission or reduce pesticide resistance.
FlyBase is a comprehensive database for information on the genetics and molecular biology of Drosophila. It includes data from the Drosophila Genome Projects and data curated from the literature. The Drosophila melanogaster genome at Ensembl shows the FlyBase gene set and provides cross-species integration at the genome level and putative orthologues with Anopheles gambiae.
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