

Explore the Monodelphis domestica genome

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About the Opossum genome


Opossum This site presents the latest genome assembly (MonDom5) of the gray short-tailed opossum, released in October 2006. Scaffold and contigs remain the same as the previous release; only mapping changes have been made.

The assembly, from the Broad Institute, has a base coverage of approximately 7.33X, constructed from 5180 supercontigs, having N50 length 59,092,948. The total contig length is 3,501,487,001, spanning 3,573,120,728 bases (including gaps).


The current gene set for Opossum is projected from the MonDom4 geneset, which was built using a modified version of the standard Ensembl genebuild pipeline. The species-specific sequence resources (opossum cDNA and protein) are very limited, so the vast majority of gene models are based on genewise alignments of proteins from other species. Most of the proteins being aligned were from species genetically distant to opossum. To improve the accuracy of models generated from these proteins, the genewise alignments were made to stretches of genomic sequence rather than to 'miniseqs'. Opossum and human cDNAs were aligned and used to add UTRs to the genewise predictions where possible. The gene models were assessed by generating sets of potential orthologs to genes from other mammalian species. Potentially missing predictions and partial gene predictions were identified by examining the orthologs, and exonerate used to build new gene models for these based on the human ortholog peptide sequence.

What's New in Ensembl 50

Monodelphis domestica News

  • Non-coding genes
    These have been updated for most species, including an miRNA update and HGNC names where possible.
  • Multiple alignments

    The multiple alignments are being extended with new species and 2X genomes.

General News

  • Canonical Transcripts

    Canonical transcripts have been defined for all genes in the core databases.

    From release 50 we will no longer be providing SSAHA sequence search. If you wish to run your own SSAHA sequence search you can download the files to generate the search hashes from our FTP site.
  • Projections of gene names and GO terms
    These have been done as usual, between a variety of species.

More news...


Assembly: monDom5, Oct 2006
Genebuild: Ensembl, Feb 2007
Database version: 50.5e
Known protein-coding genes: 119
Projected protein-coding genes: 14,082
Novel protein-coding genes: 5,270
Pseudogenes: 722
RNA genes: 1,288
Genscan gene predictions: 109,135
Gene exons: 219,605
Gene transcripts: 32,840
Base Pairs: 3,501,660,299
Golden Path Length: 3,605,631,728
Most common InterPro domains: Top 40 Top 500

How the statistics are calculated


© 2025 Inserm. Hosted by genouest.org. This product includes software developed by Ensembl.

GermOnline based on Ensembl release 50 - Jul 2008