
Ensembl User Accounts

Please note that all Ensembl data remains free access. It is not necessary to register in order to gain access to Ensembl data.

Ensembl now allows users to register, login and save information between sessions, as well as share customisations with co-workers via Ensembl Groups. This page includes a brief introduction to the new account system.

Ensembl users

To use the new customisation features, visitors are asked to register for an Ensembl account. Once registered, you'll be able to save bookmarks, view configurations and make other customisations to Ensembl. You'll also have an account home page, which lists all your details and customisations. In particular, we think these features will be particularly useful for:

Get started by registering for an account.. Registration is free, and takes about 2 minutes.

Ensembl groups

In addition to customising your own Ensembl pages, the new accounts system also promotes collaboration, in the form of Ensembl groups. Users will be able to create new groups and join existing ones, and then share their configurations and bookmarks with other members of the same group.

For example, an experienced Ensembl user in a research group could set up contigview for a specific purpose (turning on DAS sources, removing unnecessary features etc), and then share this setup with colleagues by creating a new group, and inviting others to join it.

Any user can create a new group, although access to those groups is by invitation only. Only the creator of the group can manage it.

Getting started and more information

Create a new account, or sign in to start customising Ensembl. If you'd like to learn more, take a look at our accounts and group help pages.

We're looking for your feedback

We're pleased to introduce Ensembl accounts and groups in Ensembl 42, and We're looking for feedback on the registration and account managment process. In particular, we'd love to know about: If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.

© 2025 Inserm. Hosted by genouest.org. This product includes software developed by Ensembl.

GermOnline based on Ensembl release 50 - Jul 2008