All information about 'The Bradley Lab Mutagenic Insertion and Chromosome Engineering Resource' (MICER) is external to Ensembl, although the genome browser annotates clones in a 'Distributed Annotation System' (DAS) tracks along the genome sequence.
A MICER clone (Adams et al., 2004) DAS track is available in Ensembl 'ContigView' and 'CytoView' from the 'DAS Sources' menu in the golden menu bar of the 'Detailed View' section. As Ensembl is a genome browser we do not sequence or assemble genomes nor do we distribute clones.
More information on the project, the 5'HPRT [MHPN] and 3'HPRT [MHPP] vectors, as well as a text search page for MICER clones and a link to the 'Sanger Clone Request' service is available from the Mouse Genomics - MICER page of the Alan Bradley Laboratory at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
David J Adams,
Patrick J Biggs,
Tony Cox,
Rob Davies,
Louise van der Weyden,
Jos Jonkers,
James Smith,
Bob Plumb,
Ruth Taylor,
Ichiko Nishijima,
Yuejin Yu,
Jane Rogers &
Allan Bradley
Mutagenic insertion and chromosome engineering resource (MICER).
Nat Genet. 2004 Aug;36(8):867-871.
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