
About Archive Ensembl

Archive_ensemblThe main Ensembl site www.ensembl.org is updated with the latest data on a monthly basis.

The Ensembl Archive sites have been set up so there is a stable link for at least two years to pages from a particular release (e.g. version 26 from November 2004) in Ensembl.

These links will be suitable for referring to Ensembl pages in publications.

A selection of older archives are being maintained, but the availability of these sites cannot be guaranteed.

For all enquiries, please contact the Ensembl HelpDesk (helpdesk@ensembl.org).


  • Ensembl aims to maintain stable identifiers for genes (ENSG), transcripts (ENST), proteins (ENSP) and exons (ENSE) as long as possible. Changes within the genome sequence assembly or an updated genome annotation may dramatically change a gene model. In these cases, the old set of stable IDs is retired and a new one assigned.
  • Ensembl protein family identifiers (ENSF), EST gene indentifiers (ENSESTG) and Genscan identifiers (GENSCAN) are currently not stable.
  • DAS sources are not archived so any shown are current data.
  • Pre-site species are not listed in the archive sites as these change more frequently.
  • BLAST and SSAHA are not currently available from the archive site.

Linking to the Archive Ensembl sites

The Archive Ensembl sites, (e.g. http://Nov2004.archive.ensembl.org), have the format: http://<three-letter-month><year>.archive.ensembl.org

In the lefthand (yellow) column of each current Ensembl page, there is a link called 'Stable archive link to this page', which links to the corresponding permanent page in the Ensembl Archive. A similar link on each archive page links back to the current site (i.e. www.ensembl.org). Note that prior to the site redesign in Version 32, return links from the archive were in the form of a graphical button at the foot of the page.

If you are looking at the MapView page for human chromosome 1 on the main Ensembl site in November 2004 when Ensembl 26 was the current version, the URL would be:


and the equivalent archived page URL would be:



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GermOnline based on Ensembl release 50 - Jul 2008