
Here at the Ensembl project, in addition to www.ensembl.org we run many different websites based on Ensembl code, including public sites such as pre!, Vega and the Ensembl archives, and private sites used for internal development. In order to distinguish these sites we use plugins to alter the colour scheme and/or site logo, in addition to the changes in content. For example, the Vega site is blue, pre! is turquoise, and the archives are lilac.

You may find it useful to do something similar with an Ensembl mirror, so that your users know they are looking at a local copy and not the actual Ensembl site.

In the examples below, we'll assume that you are adding these changes to the normal /public-plugins/mirror directory.

Important note: if you make any changes to .ini files, you need to remove /conf/config.packed before restarting the server, to ensure your changes are recompiled.

Changing the site logo

The Ensembl logo graphic can be found in /htdocs/img/ directory. First you should make a directory


and copy your logo into it. Ideally your logo should be around 40 pixels high, so that it does not break the template layout.

You will then need to add the following lines to your /public-plugins/mirror/conf/ini-files/DEFAULTS.ini file, substituting the appropriate parameters:

SITE_LOGO               = /img/mylogo.gif
SITE_LOGO_WIDTH         = 100
SITE_LOGO_HEIGHT        = 40
SITE_LOGO_ALT           = Ensembl mirror
SITE_LOGO_HREF          = /ensembl/             ; Optional (see note below) 

The SITE_LOGO_HREF parameter is only needed if your Ensembl mirror does not occupy the root of the host domain - omit this line to use the default link "/"

Changing the colour scheme

The colour scheme can be altered by adding the following to /public-plugins/mirror/conf/ini-files/DEFAULTS.ini (you can omit the [ENSEMBL_STYLE] header if you already have a custom logo defined, as above):


BACKGROUND1  = 333333 ; Edge colour for navigation menu / darkest background
BACKGROUND2  = 666666 ;
BACKGROUND3  = 999999 ; background colour used for LH navigation bar
BACKGROUND4  = cccccc ; Light colour background used for dynamic images
BACKGROUND5  = eeeeee ; Lightest colour background used for dynamic images

DEFAULT_ICON = /img/bullet.gif ; image used for LH buttons.

HEADING      = 999999 ; colour used for headings / buttons
SPECIESNAME  = 666666 ; colour used for scriptname heading

LINK         = 0000cc ;
LINK_VISIT   = 993399 ;
LINK_HOVER   = cc0000 ; colour used for active / hover links;

RELEASE_BG   = 999999 ; This is the colour of the release bar
RELEASE_EDGE = 333333 ; This is the colour of the edge of the release bar

CONTIGBLUE1  = 368ec9 ; Contig-colours (light)
CONTIGBLUE2  = 02599c ; Contig-colours (dark)

HIGHLIGHT1   = ffff99 ; Highlight colour (pale)
HIGHLIGHT2   = ffff66 ; Highlight colour (vivid)

Simple alter the hex values to the colours you want. These placeholder values will be compiled into the Ensembl css files on server startup.

Note: changing the bullet graphic is optional, but you may find that the default bullet does not look good on a different background colour!


© 2025 Inserm. Hosted by genouest.org. This product includes software developed by Ensembl.

GermOnline based on Ensembl release 50 - Jul 2008