The build instructions are split into three sections:
How to install other applications required by Ensembl
CVS, Perl, MySQL, Apache 2, Dotter
The first of these involves the installation of applications/modules that are not part of the Ensembl project but are necessary for the web site to work, such as Apache and MySQL. The second involves installing the Ensembl data, modules and web site code.
PLEASE NOTE - even if you do not wish to download all the Ensembl data - for the website to function you will need:
If you do not wish to run MySQL (or cannot run a MySQL server locally) AND you do not wish to enable user accounts then you can alternatively install SQLite as an alternative server.
Each Ensembl release has an integer version number associated with it, and that version number is used to identify the correct versions of API, Web code and databases (see below) that make up that release.
For the API and Web code, a CVS branch (essentially a named snapshot of the code) is made for each release, named with the release version number. The current release is version 50, and the CVS tag for identifying the API and Web code for this release is 'branch-ensembl-50'.
The Ensembl database names consist of the species, the database type, the release number, and the data version. The current human 'core' database is named homo_sapiens_core_50_36l. i.e. a human core database, release 50, data version 36l built on the NCBI 36 assembly. Subsequent data releases on the same assembly are suffixed with a lower case letter (a, b, etc.).
The idea is that components with the same release version should work together - i.e. any web site built with 'version 31' API and web code, and 'version 31' databases should work correctly.
Next: Configuration →
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