Running the Ensembl web site can be rather taxing on hardware. At a minimum you will need:
You can run an Ensembl installation locally and connect remotely to our public MySQL server to retrieve genomic data. However if you require a full local installation, including some or all genomic databases, you will additionally need:
* Note that whilst Windows can run the required software, it is not officially supported as a platform for Ensembl. Additional documentation on using Ensembl on Windows can be found in the installation guide.
The Ensembl website system is built on open source software: Apache, mod_perl and MySQL. To install a local mirror of Ensembl you will need:
Species | Data size (Gb) |
Aedes aegypti | 5.0 |
Anopheles gambiae | 2.9 |
Bos taurus | 9.8 |
Caenorhabditis elegans | 2.8 |
Canis familiaris | 9.9 |
Cavia porcellus | 3.6 |
Ciona intestinalis | 2.4 |
Ciona savignyi | 2.7 |
Danio rerio | 7.9 |
Dasypus novemcinctus | 5.2 |
Drosophila melanogaster | 1.3 |
Echinops telfairi | 5.8 |
Equus caballus | 7.3 |
Erinaceus europaeus | 7.3 |
Felis catus | 6.0 |
Gallus gallus | 6.1 |
Gasterosteus aculeatus | 4.7 |
Homo sapiens | 42.6 |
Loxodonta africana | 5.9 |
Macaca mulatta | 6.4 |
Microcebus murinus | 5.4 |
Monodelphis domestica | 9.3 |
Mus musculus | 28.1 |
Myotis lucifugus | 5.3 |
Ochotona princeps | 8.8 |
Ornithorhynchus anatinus | 7.3 |
Oryctolagus cuniculus | 6.0 |
Oryzias latipes | 4.2 |
Otolemur garnettii | 5.4 |
Pan troglodytes | 9.8 |
Pongo pygmaeus | 8.1 |
Rattus norvegicus | 11.2 |
Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 0.2 |
Sorex araneus | 5.4 |
Spermophilus tridecemlineatus | 4.9 |
Takifugu rubripes | 4.3 |
Tetraodon nigroviridis | 4.0 |
Tupaia belangeri | 6.4 |
Xenopus tropicalis | 6.3 |
Sub-total | 286.0 |
Multi-species | |
Ancestral | 50.8 |
Compara | 134.8 |
Go | 12.2 |
Mart | 141.0 |
Website | 0.0 |
Total | 624.8 |
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