

Explore the Platypus genome

Search Ensembl Ornithorhynchus anatinus


e.g. ultraContig 124 or Q13796.1_1

Example Data Points

Previous releases of the Ornithorhynchus anatinus genome have seen the data assembled into supercontigs, in this release some of the supercontigs have been assembled into ultracontigs and chromosomes.

A few example data points :

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About the Platypus genome


Duck-billed platypus The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) genome of a female nicknamed "Glennie" (collected at the Upper Barnard River on Glen Rock Station, New South Wales) was sequenced to a total of 6x whole genome coverage. The sequencing strategy we utilized, combined whole genome shotgun plasmid, fosmid and BAC end sequences. The combined sequence reads were assembled using the PCAP software (Genome Res. 13(9):2164-70 2003). This draft sequence assembly submitted to Genbank is referred to as Ornithorhynchus_anatinus-5.0. The database now contains the longer range mapping of the sequence onto Ultracontigs and Chromosomes. Although some of the Supercontigs are mapped to chromosomes, these only represent 21% of the platypus DNA, so we have not emphasised a chromosomal view of platypus for the current release.Future improvements to the platypus draft sequence assembly will be dependent on the availability of funding and improvements to existing assembler software. Funding for the sequencing of the platypus genome was provided by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Credits and assembly statistics


The gene set for Platypus was built using a modified version of the standard Ensembl genebuild pipeline, using available cDNA evidence to add UTRs and improve the protein-based gene models. However, this initial geneset was limited by the lack of species-specific evidence. The gene models were assessed by generating sets of potential orthologs to genes from other mammalian species and chicken. Potentially missing predictions and partial gene predictions were identified by examining the orthologs, and exonerate was to align orthologous human and chicken peptides in order to build new gene models. We have now extended the initial gene set using recently released cDNA data from 454 sequencing, plus additional annotation from the Oxford Functional Genomics group. These data have enabled us both to clarify existing models and to add additional transcripts.

What's New in Ensembl 50

Ornithorhynchus anatinus News

  • Non-coding genes
    These have been updated for most species, including an miRNA update and HGNC names where possible.
  • Multiple alignments

    The multiple alignments are being extended with new species and 2X genomes.

General News

  • Canonical Transcripts

    Canonical transcripts have been defined for all genes in the core databases.

    From release 50 we will no longer be providing SSAHA sequence search. If you wish to run your own SSAHA sequence search you can download the files to generate the search hashes from our FTP site.
  • Projections of gene names and GO terms
    These have been done as usual, between a variety of species.

More news...


Assembly: Ornithorhynchus_anatinus-5.0, Dec 2005
Genebuild: Ensembl, Jan 2007
Database version: 50.1g
Known protein-coding genes: 54
Projected protein-coding genes: 11,147
Novel protein-coding genes: 6,750
Pseudogenes: 547
RNA genes: 3,216
Genscan gene predictions: 133,723
Gene exons: 179,340
Gene transcripts: 26,009
SNPs: 1,207,507
Base Pairs: 1,917,748,604
Golden Path Length: 2,073,148,626
Most common InterPro domains: Top 40 Top 500

How the statistics are calculated


© 2025 Inserm. Hosted by genouest.org. This product includes software developed by Ensembl.

GermOnline based on Ensembl release 50 - Jul 2008